Dear Friends,
The Synod Office has been contacted by several Members understandably concerned about the impact of the Coronavirus and associated precautions on our Synod Journey.
The immediate issue is the deadline for receiving Proposals on Theme 4. This deadline remains Monday 30 March but we recognise that it is now not possible for you to meet locally to discern your Parish response. Instead we invite you to forward to the Synod Office all proposals that you have received locally – there is no need to restrict this to five – and the discernment will, by necessity, take place centrally.
We are also aware that many places have not been able to arrange meetings to generate proposals. We have re-opened the online portal for submitting proposals on Theme 4 this will also remain open until Monday 30 March. You can invite everybody in your communities to submit proposals this way.
We are continuing to reflect on the best way forward for Synod 2020 in light of the advice and instruction from government and our Bishops. We will keep you updated as decisions are made and plans evolve.
Stay safe!
Fr Philip and Fr Matthew,
Synod Moderators