The celebration of Mass in our Parish churches

Both All Saints and St Lewis church will re-open for the celebration of mass beginning the weekend of Sat. 11th July.

Mass will be celebrated at:

All Saints: Sat. evening 5.00pm, Sun. morning 10.30am, and Wednesday and Friday morning at 9.30am.

St Lewis: Sun. morning at 9.00am, and Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10.00am.

Booking is to be reintroduced for the Christmas masses, and possibly also for subsequent Sunday masses. For those who can, please book a place for mass through the on-line booking form on the website, or alternatively ring the presbytery (01942 273851) to book your place. It will allow us to gauge numbers, covers us for insurance purposes at this time and will help if contact tracing is necessary.

The Archbishop has reminded us that the vulnerable should consider the wisdom of returning to Mass too soon- you are not obliged to as the ‘Sunday obligation’ continues to be suspended. Services are available for streaming from the cathedral and from other churches around the world on

When you come to church please be guided by the instructions of the Welcomers- they are there to keep all of us safe and besides, Mass will be different from what we are used to.

For our own safety we have been asked to follow these procedures by the Archbishop; this we gladly do.

The archdiocese has made a video covering these guidelines – please click here to view.

Parking/Arrival at church.

Please bring a maximum of ONE bag with you to church, and if you can manage it don’t bring one at all.

Parking within the church grounds: please leave these places for blue badge holders. Where possible please park in the school car park.

Do remember to socially distance from one another at all times, especially when outside church as you may be asked to wait before you are brought into church.

At the entrance to the church give your name to the Welcomer. If you aren’t on the booking list give them your name, address and tel. no. If there is more than one of you, the Welcomer will ask if you are living together or in the same bubble (if you are, you can sit together.)

When you enter the porch, please use the hand sanitiser.

If you haven’t got a mask you will be given one to wear. This is mandatory for all above the age of eleven.

The toilets in the meeting room can be used, but only on the way in and the way out, not during the service (to limit movement around the church). The Sacristy toilet will be available for that purpose.

Place your offertory envelope or offertory gift in the basket as you enter church.

Being taken to your seat

A Welcomer will then take you to your seat. NB this may not be the seat you usually sit in, so please be understanding. Please remain seated until asked to come forward by the Welcomer at Holy Communion. Please do not get up to greet your neighbour or other familiar face and where possible sit facing forward and remain seated at all times.

Receiving Holy Communion:

Please wait to be invited forward by a Welcomer for Holy Communion; remove your mask before you receive Holy Communion and return to your place by the side aisle.

Leaving church

Please wait until you are invited to leave your bench at the end of mass by the Welcomer to ensure that social distancing is maintained in the porch.

Fr Gordon Abbs

To reserve a place at mass, please either:

to book your place.